The Ward Diesel NO SMOKE is not only for fire trucks. Police SWAT units are realizing the benefits of upgrading their vehicles with the Ward Diesel NO SMOKE exhaust filtration system.
With the NO SMOKE system, Police SWAT units can prioritize the health and safety of their team knowing the NO SMOKE system captures and filters out exhaust, particulates, and gases that can be extremely dangerous to their team’s health while on the job.
“SWAT team members are often called upon to operate and process a scene for several hours with multiple vehicles in very close proximity. They typically use their large, armored, diesel powered vehicles as a rally point, workstation, or rehab area. Having a vehicle-mounted exhaust filtration system to provide additional protection, both at the scene and back at the building or station where the vehicle is housed, is a huge leap forward regarding health and safety for many departments. The NO SMOKE technology has proven itself to thousands of fire and EMS customers throughout North America and around the world. Now, more than ever, first responders are expecting this level of protection while working on and around their vehicles,” said Mike Chevalier – Ward Diesel Filter Systems, Western Regional Sales Manager.

Ward Diesel is dedicated to providing the best resources and systems to protect the health of first responders, fire emergency responders, Police units, and emergency medical response teams. Keeping emergency responders safe at the scene is our priority, so you can focus on saving others.
Want to learn more about how you can protect your team? Contact us today!