Specialized fire apparatus is required for Aircraft rescue and firefighting. Due to the mass casualty potential of an aviation emergency, the speed with which emergency response equipment and personnel arrive at the scene is crucial. The FAA has set forth minimum response times in Part 139 of 14CFR (FAR) Airport Rescue & Firefighting Requirements “one ARFF vehicle to meet the 3-minute response time, the next within 4 minutes, ETC.”

Ward Diesel NO SMOKE systems are vehicle-mounted direct source, diesel exhaust particulate filter systems that work automatically when the vehicle is started. There are no hanging hoses to connect that can result in loss of precious response time.

ARFF vehicles may remain on the scene for an extended time until additional resources arrive. NO SMOKE is the only exhaust filtration system on the market today that provides complete protection both inside and outside the station. 

The unique configuration of ARFF vehicles include, but are not limited to, large vertical stack exhaust systems that are difficult to attach to an overhead hose track system. If not properly attached every time, the hose can rip off and expensive repairs will be necessary to get the system operational again, leaving department personnel unprotected from harmful emissions. The physical location and size of the Airport Fire Department can also become an issue. If your bays are too small or you are sharing space with other Airport departments, major building modifications to accommodate a hose system may not be feasible.

With thousands of installations currently operating,

NO SMOKE has proven its capability and reliability to fire and rescue personnel throughout the world. We hope that you will be next to join the growing list of fire departments that have decided to protect their personnel with NO SMOKE.