Ward Diesel Filter Systems Is A Proud Co-Sponsor – Ward Diesel Filter Systems has been a proud co-sponsor of the Chief James P. Seavey Sr. Health and Wellness Leadership Award since its creation. The award recognizes an outstanding individual who has been instrumental…
W. Keith Brower, Jr.
How Fire Departments Benefit from Attending Tradeshows
Ideal Opportunities for Fire Departments – Fire service tradeshows, expos, events, and conferences present ideal opportunities for fire department representatives, fire chiefs and organization leaders, and all other fire industry professionals to come together and learn…
Grant Writing Assistance for the Firefighting Industry
Annual Grant Assistance Program – Ward Diesel Filter Systems believes in giving back to our fire department heroes who spend their lives helping others. Ward Diesel is offering its annual grant assistance program for fire departments with exhaust removal systems…
Installation Spotlight: No Smoke Systems Installed on New Birmingham Fire & Rescue Apparatus
NO SMOKE Systems – Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc., a subsidiary of REV Group, provided the Birmingham Fire & Rescue of Alabama with 12 new truck units, each equipped with NO SMOKE systems. The custom built apparatus included nine Ferrara Igniter LFD cabs, two Ferrara…
Protecting Against Diesel Exhaust Exposure: The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Weigh In
Hierarchy of Controls – The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has established a “Hierarchy of Controls” to protect workers by controlling exposures to hazards in the workplace. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene published…
Aurora, CO – Ward Diesel Installs NO SMOKE for Sable Altura Fire Rescue
Wellness & Health of Emergency Responders – Chief Rich Solomon of Sable Altura Fire Rescue is focusing on several projects to improve the wellness and health of his staff and emergency responders. Cancer continues to be a leading cause of death for fire emergency…
NO SMOKE for South Fulton – GA Fire Rescue
NO SMOKE Filter Systems South Fulton, GA March 2023 – Ward Diesel installs 15 NO SMOKE filter systems for South Fulton – GA Fire Rescue. Fire Chief Chad Jones of the South Fulton – GA Fire Rescue launched a cancer prevention initiative to focus on minimizing exposure...
Installation Spotlight: NO SMOKE for SWAT
NO SMOKE for SWAT – The Ward Diesel NO SMOKE is not only for fire trucks. Police SWAT units are realizing the benefits of upgrading their vehicles with the Ward Diesel NO SMOKE exhaust filtration system. With the NO SMOKE system, Police SWAT units can prioritize the…
IAFF Moves to Fund Cancer Research
Setting The Precedent – The IAFF (International Association of Fire Fighters) is an organization representing firefighters and emergency medical personnel. The organization is authoritative in dictating beneficial services to its members and setting precedent for…
21st Century Fire and Emergency Services: Developing a Big Picture Solution
Through a recent partnership between the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE), the 21st Century Fire and Emergency Services white paper was produced. The goal of the white paper was to have active...